Call Us Today: 404-913-9610

The entire team at Oasis Of Vine City takes several steps to do what we need to do for the fulfillment of our mission.

man receiving another contributionOasis Of Vine City advocates for the needy individuals in our societies. At the same time, we also look after the welfare of those who are hungry and under-represented in our communities.

Our team of administrators and volunteers think of ideas and plan activities that are in line with our mission. Once we have the initial plan for the activities, we pool our resources, both manpower and financial in nature, and proceed with the implementation of projects that provide lots of benefits to the hungry, needy and under-represented individuals.

We are always on the lookout for people who share the same advocacy as ours. If you are interested in lending us a helping hand, kindly contact 404-913-9610 today. You may also donate, volunteer or sponsor.

teenagers doing hi-five